Shinji Mikami, creator of series such as Resident Evil and for his work on titles such as P.N.03 and The Evil Within, is certainly one of the absolute big names in the industry.\r\nMikami-san has also given his contribution to many recent productions, such as Ghostwire Tokyo and, more recently, Hi-Fi Rush (you can find it on Xbox Game Pass on Amazon).\r\nAfter his departure from Tango Gameworks, it was not clear if and when Shinji Mikami would return to work in the world of video games.\r\nNow, after it was made known that the author would have founded a new company, the real reason for his farewell to Tango has now been revealed.\r\nAs revealed by PSU, speaking in a talk show hosted by Byking, Mikami-san revealed that he had been planning to leave Tango Gameworks for eight years before finally making the \