Ubisoft reveals the social power of the dance

To celebrate the release of Just Dance 2017, Ubisoft and OpinionWay conducted a survey in some European countries to analyze the social power of the dance, not only astool to learn about themselves, but also to discover (or rediscover) someone altro.Il survey revealed that 72% of Europeans like to dance, with 9% who admitted to dance at least once a dance settimana.Il is a vent perfect in a society obsessed by controlling its image. For the 73% of Europeans, dancing allows to reveal their nature. When it comes to those around us, 45% of Europeans have discovered the true personality ofsomeone seeing him dance: in most cases, it was a friend (41%) or a distant relative (39%). The dance not only allows you to see people as they really are, but it also helps us to connect in a way really deep with them. It is a practice that we find in the most primitive tribes, and has always had a very important role in bringing people together. Dancing is the perfect ice breaker and a great way to make new friends (according to 75% of Europeans).In addition, for those who participated in the survey, the dance is definitely the best way to get to know someone, than a simple friendship or connection on social networks (45% versus 22%). This idea of ​​connection and bonding has always been at the center the experience of Just Dance since its creation. Its 118 million players, all sharing the same passion, shared memorable moments, while living in opposite parts of the world. Thanks to an accessible approach,both from a technical point of view using the Just Dance App Controller, both with songs and choreographies suitable for each player, the experience of Just Dance is not so much a question of technique, but a way to let go, be yourself and have fun with family and amici.Just Dance 2017 is available on the Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Wii as well as Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and for the first time also for PC. Just Dance 2017 will be part of Nintendo's launch catalogSwitch to March 2017. Release Date: October 25, 2016

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