Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is 13 years old

Last 3 March, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater celebrated its thirteenth birthday on the European market, where it debuted the now distant March 3, 2005. The game, the first that was back in the series, bringing us in 1964 and in the middle of the Cold War, it achieved enormous success with the public and critics, and is still remembered today as the one offering the best compromise between history and gameplay within the series by many fans.

You can relive Metal Gear Solid 3 directly in our video retrospective, which tells you all the events of the game and its protagonists.

As always, we willingly give you the word in our comments area: what’s the time for Snake Eater that you hold most in your heart? Is MGS3 your favorite episode? Do you still remember how you reacted to the news of a Metal Gear Solid that, instead of unveiling the mystery of the Patriots, would have brought you back to the Cold War?

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