L ' author of DayZ against the price of ARK: it is just greed

Did we mention a few days ago, the question of the increased price of ARK: Survival Evolved, which costs €69.99 now on Steam because the developers, with a view to the final release, felt the need to align the costs to those already proposed for the console Edition. The decision has done much to discuss and, among people who said their, there’s also Dean Hall, author of the famous video game DayZ.

The developer sent to sayand, on her Twitter profile, it is literally lashed out at the decision to Study Wildcard: “play ARK is not anywhere near ready for a price range like that. It’s about greed, pure and simple. A choice as opposed to the whole community. “
Here is the tweet in original language: Ark: The game is nowhere near ready for that kind of price. It’s greed-pure and simple. It represents a huge disconnect with the community — Dean Hall (@ rocket2guns) 6 July2017
We’ll see if the authors of ARK will take comment on the declarations of the lobby.

Source: Twitter

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