How has Cristiano Ronaldo changed from FIFA 2004 to FIFA 20?

Even the grownups grow old and, when it comes to football at least, video games come to our rescue to remind us of how they were at the peak of their careers.

Not that Cristiano Ronaldo , for CR7 friends, it is not yet, at the peak of his career, but there was a time when he was more … young and less … gymed than he is now.

We can make a small excursus of the parabola of this phenomenon (not the phenomenon, however) thanks to FIFA and to the Instagram 433 page, partner of Juventus where the Portuguese champion now plays.

In this two-minute clip we can enjoy the features of the five-time Golden Ball as well as proposals in the EA Sports series from FIFA 2004 to FIFA 20 .

The journey takes us to see how it has changed CR7 from the times of Manchester United until its surprise purchase in the cl ub champion of Italy, obviously passing for the long and victorious streak in Real Madrid.

What do you say, better “yesterday” or today?


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