Doctor Strange 2: Scott Derrickson leaves the direction

Bad news from the Marvel front: Scott Derrickson has recently abandoned the direction of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness .

The official motivation , as often happens, it is linked to the usual “creative differences” with Marvel Studios.

Marvel has in fact confirmed to Variety that the separation did not happen abruptly and that Derrickson will remain in any case as executive producer.

Here are the words of the studios about the abandonment of the director:

We are really grateful for Scott’s contribution to the MCU.

It is currently unclear who will take over from Derrickson. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will be released in American cinemas in any case on May 7, 2021 .

The film will see the cast again Benedict Cumberbatch as the Supreme Sorcerer, in addition to Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch .

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