Rockstar Games sale on Greenman Gaming

A few hours ago, we reported that Humble Store, the popular digital catalogue of Humble Bundle, launched its new discounts pages dedicated to Rockstar achievements. We now offer the same, involving the same games, was also launched on Greenman Gaming. The proposed prices, moreover, are identical, and the names are

Heroes of the Storm: New heroes, models and mounts in development

Blizzard is working on new heroes, models and mounts for Heroes of the Storm, here are the things to come: Ten. MoralesTen. Morales DefinitivoTen. Morales SpezialeArtanisArtanis DefinitivoArtanis PurificatoreRaynor Sheriff tematicheFalstad Buccaneer skills and abilities tematicheCavalcatura Steed of SceriffoCavalcatura Void SpeederCavalcatura Belva Battle of the NexusCavalcatura SteedKnight Without TestaCavalcatura VultureAl moment

Revealed new details for Gravity Rush 2

Sony Computer Entertainment has shared new details about the plot of Gravity Rush 2, the game recently announced for PlayStation 4. Kat, in the company of his friends and Syd Raven, will have to investigate some mysterious events caused by a storm gravity. The protagonists will, however, brought in the

News and release date for Project X Zone 2

Namco Bandai is delighted to announce that Project X Zone 2 will be available in Italy from February 18, 2016 exclusively for Nintendo 3DS console family. In the game there will be various characters and, of these, we will also find some of the figures from the famous Nintendo series:


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