Xbox unveils a new Digital Showcase: here are the details

The summer of video games is still a little bit away, but Xbox is already preparing with a new event in its series dedicated to indies: ID@Xbox Digital Showcase.\r\nThe event also aired last year (here you can find the announcements and trailers) is dedicated to independent productions supported by Xbox, both from a development and marketing point of view, and many of these titles usually arrive exclusively in time within the ecosystem.\r\nLast year we was able to see titles such as Karateka, Axiom Verge 2 and Sea of ​​Stars, the latter proving to be a resounding success among other things, and Xbox enthusiastically announced the return of IGN x ID@Xbox Digital Showcase.\r\nFrom the information that emerged on the official website , the event will be online on April 29, 2024 starting at 7:00 pm Italian.\r\nWe can expect a series of highly anticipated indies to play on PC and Xbox (obviously), with \

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