Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap also in physical version? The developers think about

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap was among the leaders of last week, when we brought you the video review prepared by our Domenico Musicò, availablethis link. Currently the game is only available on digital stores, but in the future it may change. The developers have indeed reported on the official website you are thinking about retail edition, although with all the difficulties of the case. "The game is available in digital format," we read, "We are investigating the possibility to reach, later, physical output. However, if it were to happen it would not be for all platforms / regions and maybe in limited availability. We are investigating the matter. "The authors also add" please remember that physical objects may not be within our reach and that there are few studies that, right now, they know how to make your manufacturing, such as games Switch on. It may therefore happen as it could not happen. "We therefore await that something moves for a news story in one way or another. To you'd like to have your own copy of WonderBoy: The Dragon's Trap to lay on the shelf? Source: nintenderos Release Date: April 18, 2017 – June 2017 (PC)

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