
Vampyr will play as Dexter or Jack the Ripper

There is great curiosity about the new title of the study of Life Is Strange, Vampyr, which will assume the role of a vampire, in fact, in an evergreen LondonVittoriana.Tra the characteristics on which Dontnod Entertainment seems to focus more we find freedom of action and choice in a moral

New images for Vampyr

Dontnod developer and publisher Focus Home Interactive have also posted new images for their upcoming title GDR Vampyr, set in 1918, during the peakSpanish flu that led London to collapse. ” After the first world war, Europe was devastated and the city escaped the conflict are further tested by the

Life is Strange: the fifth and final episode

The fifth and last episode of Life is Strange is now available for Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. In episode 5: Polarized, Max, while inexorably towards the decision goes more painful of his life, he discovers that it is impossible to control the weather. Arcadia


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