
Star Wars Battlefront, new contents revealed

Star Wars Battlefront, here is the plan for the incoming new contents EA and DICE have revealed what are the content coming, both free and paid, for Star Wars Battlefront. We present below the figures provided by the company: The free available immediately for all players of Star Wars Battlefront,

Yoda coming in Star Wars: Battlefront?

As you know, prior to the release of Star Wars: Battlefront, EA and DICE have released a beta for the game. Some users have trawled this test data funds by discovering the presence of some heroes at that time not yet announced (Han Solo, Princess Leia and the Emperor Palpatine).

Season Pass Star Wars Battlefront

Electronic Arts and DICE have announced in detail the content that will be offered to players who purchase the Season Pass for Star Wars Battlefront.Proposto priced at around € 50, the Season Pass will include four expansions with new content based on the Star Wars galaxy such as: – Over


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