Super Mario Bros. – The Movie, the animated film dedicated to the most famous Nintendo plumber in the world, has just made its debut in all Italian cinemas obtaining an off-scale success.
The CGI film inspired by the Grande N video game series (which you can find on Amazon) stages Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser, for a film that seems to have largely convinced the public.
In our review, we told you that “Super Mario Bros. – The film manages to make you forget how much bad happened with the first 1993 film, establishing itself as a new quality standard for films based on video games. »
Now, while the fantacasting for the sequel has already begun, it looks like the Super Mario movie can be nominated for an Oscar, seriously.
The song “Peaches”, sung by Jack Black – original voice actor of Bowser – could in fact be nominated for the Oscars, as stated by the American weekly Variety.
The views the sequence gets on YouTube, as well as the plays on iTunes and Spotify, demonstrate that the song has become vital in record time, achieving truly astonishing success.
Just below, you will find the video “Peaches”, sung in the original language by Black himself.
The song focuses on the love that the fearsome villain feels towards Peach, the beloved princess that he kidnaps from time to time, without success. In the song, Bowser dreams that together they can one day rule the world, perhaps without the meddling of Mario and Luigi.
Not bad, after all, given that in Italy the new film dedicated to Super Mario Bros. has recently broken a new record, actually, two.
A success that has also overwhelmed the American market, especially after having confirmed that Italians love Super Mario and they don’t find it offensive at all.
Finally, have you read that the new film dedicated to Super Mario has a scene after the credits in perfect Marvel Cinematic Universe style that would anticipate the sequel?