Pokemon GO Fest tickets sold out in less than 30 minutes

You are among those who would like to be in Chicago for the Pokemon GO Fest? Well, it seems that get their hands on a ticket to attend the event will be rather difficult, since Niantic clocked the sold-out within even half an hour from the official opening of the presale. Just below, the official tweet that confirms it.
Tickets to #PokemonGOFest are now sold out. Stay tuned for how to participate in Pokemon GO Festtogether with Trainers around the world. — Pokemon GO (@ PokemonGoApp) June 19, 2017

The Pokemon GO Fest, remember, will be held at Grant Park in Chicago this coming July 22 to celebrate the anniversary of the world’s most downloaded application. And you, you wish you were there that day?

Source: Mynintendonews

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