“Peaches”, the song by Bowser in the N64 version is even more poignant

Bowser became the real star of the Super Mario movie, because with “Peaches”, the song dedicated to the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom that became a hit.

On the other hand, even in the amiibo version (you can find it on Amazon) Princess Peach always makes a good impression on her, and we understand why Bowser fell in love with her.

“Peaches” could be nominated for an Oscar in the soundtrack sections, as recently emerged from an in-depth analysis.

And while the entire Super Mario soundtrack has become the heritage of humanity, there are those who wanted to pay homage to the song sung by Jack Black.

The song focuses on the love that the fearsome villain feels towards Peach, the beloved princess that he kidnaps from time to time, without success. In the song, Bowser dreams that together they can one day rule the world, perhaps without the meddling of Mario and Luigi.

But what if the Super Mario movie had come out in the age of the Nintendo 64?

Obviously we can’t know, but we imagine it like this:

Max Justh , in his YouTube channel, has perfectly recreated the official music video of the song that appears in the film and, we must say, it’s not bad.

If ever you had to imagine a special edition of the film in the Nintendo 64 version (mark this idea, friends of Kyoto), we absolutely want this special content inside.

Meanwhile, in Italy the new film dedicated to Super Mario Bros. has broken a new record, or rather two.

A success that has also overwhelmed the American market, especially after having confirmed that Italians love  Super Mario and they don’t find it offensive at all.

Finally, have you read that the new film dedicated to Super Mario has a scene after the credits in perfect Marvel Cinematic Universe style that would anticipate the sequel?

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