Trying free games is always a good and right thing, since it allows you to discover works on which perhaps otherwise you would not have gone to spend money, before touching them with your hands. It could also be the case of Full Void, the video game signed by the small independent team OutOfTheBit – based in London, but founded by the Italian Ali Motisi.
The game, which is openly inspired by classics such as Prince of Persia and Another World, saw the launch of a free demo on Steam a few hours ago , very warmly received by gamers.
As the authors explain to us, who have reached us with a press release:
“Within hours of its release on the Steam platform, the demo was downloaded by over two thousand players who commented positively on social media.”
The game is structured as a 2D platformer in which you take on the role of a teenager who moves in a world controlled by an artificial intelligence that has subjugated humanity.
- Download the demo from Steam
«Through a gameplay full of innovative mechanics» the authors promise us, «alongside the traditional platformers, the player will have to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles to discover the story that surrounds this a society apparently abandoned to itself and certainly in a bad way”.
Full Void tells without lyrics and wants give yourself a sort of inner division: the anxiety of wanting to move forward to discover more and the feeling that it would be better to escape as soon as possible.
In addition to being inspired by Prince of Persia and Another World, puzzle platformers that have taken root for many followers, Full Void also look at more modern titles such as Limbo and Inside.
“Every screen has been studied down to the smallest detail” tells us Miles Atkinson, pixel artist who, together with Leonardo Halwart, led the graphic design of the game. “The composition of the scene, the lights and every smallest detail have been the subject of continuous attention, to refine them to the fullest.”
The release of Full Void is expected for 2023 on Steam for PC, Mac OS and Linux. In the future, the team anticipates, the landing is also expected on PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch – in addition to compatibility with Steam Deck, with which the game would actually go perfectly.
You can download the demo on Steam (the game page is available here) and, if you want to learn more, on Wednesday 8 and Friday 10 at 19.00 Italian time there will also be live streaming events where the developers will play your company.