Nintendo was creating a controller that would destroy the console war

It is often said that Nintendo is busy playing a league of its own, and indeed the moves it completes make you think.

Especially with Nintendo Switch (you can find it on Amazon), the console that more than all those produced by the Kyoto House has shown the potential of the “Nintendo Difference”.

A console so popular that it has ousted even the stainless PlayStation , becoming the most loved in the world (or almost).

Enriched among other things by an ever-growing series of very high-quality games, such as the recent Xenoblade Chronicles 3 we told you about in our review.

But there are other secrets about the console that we don’t know because, as Reggie Fils-Aimé tells us, there is a Nintendo peripheral that has never seen the light.

The former manager of Nintendo of America , reveals The Gamer , talked about a very particular controller that the company was working on which, according to the description, would surely have defeated the console war .

In an interview with Inverse , the Regginator described it as its own version of the Xbox Adaptive Controller , the peripheral that allows to any player with disability to access video games.

While this in itself might not cause a stir, because Xbox has already done so, Reggie Fils-Aimé reveals that it would be a cross-platform peripheral :

«Imagine an adaptive controller that you can play on your latest Xbox, PlayStation or Nintendo platform . This is what we were working on three years ago. […] My hope is that the controller – and that controller’s ability to connect with all the various systems – will be launched and shared with consumers as quickly as possible. “

Truly a vision out of what is normal of video games, where each peripheral is unicamence compatible with proprietary hardware.

In the hope that Nintendo can really come up with such an idea, even Joy-Con would need some stability because service centers tell hellish scenarios.

Just as he manages to fix the Switch Online service , of which Reggie Fils-Aimé himself is not a huge fan.

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