Naughty Dog on Uncharted 4 options for dialogue: it is not Mass Effect

Naughty Dog, Uncharted 4 is not Mass Effect

Remember that Naughty Dog had revealed some time ago, during the PlayStation Experience, dialogue options present in Uncharted 4: End of a thief, through which, a bit ‘in the style of games Telltale or the Mass Effect series, you can choose what response give your partner. Neil Druckmann, co-director of the work, returned to the subject, doing a bit ‘of clarity.

“The thing that I want to make it clear, is that we are not doing Mass Effect. Uncharted has a very precise, a precise end, which is really definitive for the franchise. But, every now and then, we thought that the options of dialogue would made to feel more players into the scene “were his words.

“When Sam asks Nate of his old adventures, it’s fun to see Nate – and then the player – choose which story wants to tell him first. There are other cases like that, where we thought to have options of dialogue would make it more interactive and engaging. “

Please note that Uncharted 4: End of a thief will come to PlayStation 4 on April 27th.

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