Matrix Resurrection , directed by Lana Wachowski , is the new dedicated film to the franchise that will see the return of the main cast of the trilogy released between the 90s and 2000s, which over time has become a point of reference.
We will find at the gate both Keanu Reeves again in the role of Neo , as well as Carrie-Anne Moss who will play the famous Trinity , exactly like in the first three films of the series.
A few days ago we decided to remember the times that Matrix entered the world of video games by arrogance, few but certainly quite substantial.
After all, the cyberpunk genre has now regained great popularity also thanks to the title CD Projekt which sees Keanu Reeves in the cast (in the role of Johnny Silverhand).
Now, as also reported by GameSpot , it seems that the first official trailer of the film (viewable above) contains an explicit reference to a video game dedicated to the franchise.
Let’s talk about the MMO The Matrix Online , a game that has been closed for several years now (more precisely since 2009). However, a frame from the trailer appears to explicitly refer to the game.
The events of the video game take place after the end of Matrix Revolutions , with Morpheus asking the Oracle why – after the end of the war between machines and humans – the remains of Neo (sacrificed for salvation) had not been revealed.
In the game, Morpheus and some players are called upon to “rebuild” what remains of Neo, at least his avatar in the Matrix, in order to “resurrect” him.
The frame you see just below, extrapolated from the trailer, shows the hypothetical moment in which Neo’s body is put back together by the machines, after his death at the end of the third film.
If the theory turns out to be correct, this would make The Matrix Online absolutely canon within the plot of the series created by Wachowsky.
To know the truth, we just have to wait for the release in theaters of Matrix Resurrections , expected in Italian cinemas starting from January 1, 2022 .
Always talking about futuristic worlds, remember that Cyberpunk 2077 is ready to return thanks to the next-gen version, expected by the end of the year.
Did you also read that on PS4 CD Projket’s game recently received patch 1.3 and that it would help calm players’ spirits after several months of controversy?
Finally, have you already had the opportunity to admire the new, futuristic project put together by the father of Gears of War , Cliffy B?
If you want to get your hands on Cyberpunk 2077 at a discounted price, click here.