Hitman, the episode 5: Colorado promoted by international critics

Hitman 5 episode set in Colorado is available from two days and getting ready for the arrival of the season finale of the first season of the adventures of the infallibleAgent 47. While in a few hours you will find on these pages also our review, some international critical colleagues have already given their opinion on the new episode, promoting it with discrete votes. Currently, the aggregator Metacritic shows that Hitman-Episode 5: Colorado has an average score of 72/100 on PS4, while on other platforms are not yet present reviews (apart from one). Here is a summary of some votes: PS4Lazygamer-8, 5God is a geek-8HardcoreGamer-7Gameblog.fr-7Destructoid-6PCPC-7, 5Rimanete Gamer then with us to not miss any news coming soon on the future of Hitman.

Release date: 11 March 2016

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