Doom: The Creative Director talks about the single player campaign

The Creative Director of the game tells firsthand many interesting details on the campaign for single player Doom.Eccovi whole story: We're sitting in a smallthe studio room of id Software in Richardson, Texas. We have just experienced one of the first levels of the single player campaign of DOOM and soon we both started with a more advanced level. For now we are here, in the dark, and we observe the friendly creative director of DOOM play for us. I must say, gentlemen, that is really incredibile.Controller in hand, Martin turns to us. "I'm not showing off," he pressed. "I play like I'm here alone. And I like to do it asquick as possible. It may seem hectic beyond all limits, but I usually play as well. "It is no joke. You know the comparison of which Martin is so proud, or" Bruce Lee in a skatepark with rifle in hand "? As Is. We admire while Martin hurtling into a level of mid-game called "Lazarus", set in a remarkable UAC facility on Mars invaded by infernal demons. After a seemingly quiet start, when our enemies reaps in a corridorglittering and promptly smeared with blood and guts, Martin is in what the team has amicably called "one of many skatepark" DOOM: an open space on several levels populated by hellish offspring, including some heavyweight like the pulpy and Mancubus the implacable Revenant.Ed is where the show begins. Martin seems to be anywhere at any time. It reaches an elevated platform and strikes a demon with plasma. Down and uses his rocket launchermodified to trigger an explosion behind a heavy Hell Knight. He draws his gun for a rapid destruction of multiple enemies. Weakens a demon, then another. Conquest epic killing with the first, and soon after it gets rid of the second with a precise shot of his rifle modified pump. And, as promised at the beginning, it is flick-switch phase, the term used to describe an instinctive style game where you change your weapon in a continuationonce it's comfortable with the weapon wheel. "If so, do you feel super games agile," smiles Martin. "Changes of continuous weapon and it's like …" Martin stops to unleash a barrage of fire. Well, the concept is chiaro.Ma Martin is not only making a spectacle for us. He also wants to prove something that we have not yet seen: the player progression system. Although they were not yet ready to reveal the mechanical relative, they wanted to give us a taste ofhow to customize their skills and create a style unico.In this case, Martin focused on pure speed. He made a series of choices that allow them to act faster. Change weapon? Faster. Exchange rate changes for weapons? Faster. Movement? Faster. And especially (considering that Martin is an avid glorious killings) its DOOM Marine gets a temporary increase in speed to the glorious killing. The bonus is cumulative:Get a rapid series of glorious killings and you will have a greater increase in speed. And if this speed is not enough, Martin has turned his Marine in a kind of vacuum that draws health and remote ammunition. So you must never break the rhythm of his massacres to recover the booty left by the enemies (not to mention the abundance of blood and shreds) .If the speed is not your thing, do not worry. There are so many ways to customize yourMarine and, most important for id Software, the choice is not binding forever. We are giving priority to the defense and not the dexterity in a particularly brutal level? Good! Make any necessary changes. Do you want to complete a level literally racing? Change the parameters and do it! "There will be no regrets about the choices you made," promises the executive producer Marty Stratton. "We want to make you feel real hard regardless of the style of play." Strattonadds that there will be no "middle ground" means any improvement will concreto.Ricordiamo weight that Doom will be available from next May 13 for Sony Playstation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows PC.Per details on Doom please see our dedicated card through this link. Release Date: May 13, 2016

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