Apex Legends expands with a single-player adventure, a clue appears

Apex Legends was a bet for Respawn who, in a world already crowded with battle royale, made his proposal starting from the gameplay of Titanfall.

A winning bet because today it is among the most played titles, rivaling Fortnite (which has many gadgets on Amazon), and has created a very strong fanbase .

A title that has updated a lot , which Respawn has kept alive with tons of seasons and content that has gone to reinvigorate the offering for fans.

And recently Apex Legends has landed on mobile platforms, an increasingly thriving market for every type of video game and that the battle royale will want to exploit.

But Apex Legends doesn’t seem to want to stop there because, as VGC reports, the battle royale could become soon also a single player adventure .

Respawn would be working on a new single-player FPS , set in the same universe as Apex.

In fact, someone has found several job offers for a project defined as an “incubation project for an FPS in the Apex Universe”.

The description of the announcement defines the game as “a brand new single-player adventure from Respawn” .

“This new single player title is a developer’s dream playground , with the freedom to innovate made possible by the unique universe it is part of” , reads the announcement.

The announcement in question echoes a GamesBeat report from some time ago, for which Respawn was working on a new single-player fps based on “mobility “ and the ” style “, but that would not be a sequel to Titanfall .

Curious that one of the most famous multiplayer titles published by Electronic Arts could become single player , given what happened with the ‘unhappy tweet that mocked lovers of single player adventures.

A story that also hides a very particular background , which we told you about recently following a report.

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