A new update for Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void

Blizzard has presented the official notes of the 3.7.0 patch. dedicated to Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void, an update that will be available from tomorrow. Here are the relevant changesEditor: Added console variables to allow greater control of incremental changes in Terreni.rotationSnap form: angle to align placed objects during rotazione.rotateInc: sets the degree of rotation for the incremental rotation commands in the Edit menu> Ruota.heightInc : sets the value of the incremental height shift using the commands in the Edit> Trasla.nudgeInc menu: sets the value of the incremental position translation usingcommands in the Edit menu > Translates. scaleInc: sets the value of the incremental scale using commands on the Edit menu > scale. The assign key “F” and “Shift + F” was reversed in the movie editor. The key update only applies to the “modern” profile. Shortcut key “zoom adjustment” over the “F” key. “Show/hide shortcut file pane” moved to the key combination “Shift + F”. Pivot mode can now be activated withthe “INSERT” key. Not applicable to the existing space manipulator settings are disabled. Through this link you can get to the page with the entire notes and officers of the update. With this update we have added a new Commander at cooperative missions: Nova.

Release date: November 10, 2015

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