PlatinumGames would like to explore other genres

USGamer has published an interview with PlatinumGames co-founder and executive director, Atsushi Inaba.

As it is well known, the genre most covered by the development team is the action games, although Inaba has said that he would like to create something outside of this type of title (thanks to which they have achieved fame):

Here are the words of the director:

As mentioned earlier, we are not in a position to say ‘Oh, we are creators of action games.’ We would like to invent new things for the world of video games. At least for me, absolutely. I would love the opportunity to do something like this. Something that wasn’t necessarily an action game. It was a racing game or something else.

Have you also read that PlatinumGames was “nervous” since the launch of the Kickstarter campaign for its next Project G.G.?

Let us know in the comments!

Source: MNN

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