Adventure Productions, publisher and Italian distributor, in partnership with the development team, has created a limited edition of The Town of Light destined exclusivelythe shops of the chain Gamestop and now available on the shelves at a price of € 24,99.L'edizione limited in white DVD box contains within it, in addition to the game disc, the madhouse map of Volterra, the diary Renee ( 52 color pages), and the code to redeem free of digital extras, including the soundtrack of the Town of light.the Town of Light is an adventure psychological firsthand, his story is set in Italy in the first half of '900an existing and meticulously rebuilt the place. Exploring and interacting with the environment the player will live the story of the protagonist through his confused look, and, depending on its choices, history will reveal different facce.Potete find the full review of the product by the editorial department at the following address.Release Date: February 26, 2015