Humble Bundle

The Humble Bundle creators are launched in the publishing world

Humble, the team behind Bundle and Monthly, has announced its entry into the field of publishing and publishing to provide funding to independent projects PC.L'iniziativaHe will leave with a lineup of seven titles, including: ScornA Hat in TimeKeyboard SportsIkenfellHackyZackStaxelNo Truce with the FuriesHumble was born in 2010 with the signing

Humble Bundle expanded into producing games

Humble Bundle announced that soon will give a drastic turn decidedly important to its website, is no longer a platform for purchase but a real study ofdevelopment with a new cross-platform, and funding initiatives related to the production of games of various genres and style, not only for the PC

New offers of Humble Store

Humble Store, the famous digital store Humble Bundle, has launched on its pages of new promotions, saving several euro on a selection of video gamessigned by 2K. Found so price cuts on Mafia III (35%), Civilization VI (10%), XCOM 2 (50%) and not only (we also have offers on DLC


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