Avalanche Studios

Just Cause 3: offer pre-download of PS4

As reported by the site Gearsiege.com, it is available on pre-download the PS4 version of Just Cause 3. Users may already be installed on your console game on the first 6GB 37GB total. Those who download pre-download the title, will play as soon as this will be made available, ie

Just Cause 3: the first hour of play

Square Enix and Avalanche Studios have released the first hour of gameplay for Just Cause 3. With a game world wide, varied and open as Doctors-with its 400 square miles of beautiful beaches, high mountains and Mediterranean-inspired city-your first hour of play might be wildly different from ours. That being

Just Cause 3: requirements for the PC version

Always miss fewer days when Just Cause 3, waiting for December 1st on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and today the requirements were published for the PC version of the game. We followed the reported data from Avalanche Studios and Square Enix while through the following address you can

Just Cause 3: last Dev Diary

Today was released the last video of the series Just Cause Dev Diary 3, which provides an overview of the game engine Just Cause 3: the Avalanche Engine. Talking about the mechanical combination allowed by the game engine, procedural patterns of destruction and to enemies, this video offers a glimpse

Nearly an hour of gameplay comes from Just Cause 3

The YouTube channel "Ego Product" published an interesting video about Just Cause 3 is shown in which the panel held by Avalanche Studios at Penny Arcade Expo Australian. The movie, which presents the developer commentary, starring Rico while sowing chaos and destruction on the island of Medici.Potete see the video


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