Metal Gear Solid Delta shows filters, splash screen and more

Konami recently held a surprise episode of Metal Gear – Hotline Production, talking about Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater.\r\nThe third episode of the saga, which you can also find in the Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 (which you can purchase on Amazon), will soon return in a revised and corrected form.\r\nThe trailer shown during the Xbox Games Showcase has undoubtedly increased the hype.\r\nThe remake has not received a release date, but has been Revamped Camouflage menu and more shown for the first time (via GamingBible).\r\n\r\nAdditionally, producer Noriaki Okamura confirmed that the opening animation from the original game will be featured in the upcoming remake. \r\nPlayers will only need to opt for the Legacy control style (with the updated title screen made available when selecting the Modern style). \r\nIt has also emerged that the Legacy filter, used to mimic the color palette of the original MGS3, will be one of several color filters available, with Sepia and Retro accompanying it all.\r\nOkamura also confirmed that a future episode of Hotline Production will deal with the creation of the recent game trailer and its deleted scenes, even if we are not currently aware of when it will be released (we imagine either in August or perhaps in September).\r\nMetal Gear Solid Delta : Snake Eater is coming to PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. Although PlayStation has indicated 2024 as the release date, although according to some rumors, however, there could be a delay, which would push the launch of the game to 2025. But not only that: as regards the future of the series, always producer Noriaki Okamura explained that a lot will depend on how the remake of Snake Eater goes in terms of sales, although it is still too early to say.

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