Fallout 5? There’s no rush for Todd Howard

If, in the wake of the success of the TV series, you are still obsessed with Fallout, know that you need to calm down. Very calm.\r\nThis was made known by Todd Howard, famous creative director of the saga for Bethesda Game Studios, who during a rich chat with MrMattyPlays made it known that he is in no hurry and does not want to force the times that will be necessary for the birth of a potential and future Fallout 5.\r\nWe know that, with the boom that both Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 had following the success of the series on Amazon Prime, this would be a golden moment to come out with a new episode – but we also know that it takes years to make a similar game.\r\nAnd, apparently, we will have to wait quite a while longer, a bit like The Elder Scrolls fans have been waiting for news on the arrival of TES VI.\r\nIn the words of Todd Howard:\r\n\r\n«As for other games in the Fallout series, in the future… well, obviously I can’t talk about that right now, but I want to say than trying to rush them, or having to release things that aren’t what we’re already doing with Fallout 76… Well, we feel like there’s no need to rush any of this.”\r\n\r \nIn short, a possible Fallout 5 will not climb the hierarchy of Bethesda’s priorities just because the Fallout series on Amazon Prime has become a real mass phenomenon.\r\n\r\n«Right now, the TV series Fallout fills a certain niche, in terms of storytelling and for the franchise,” Howard added during the chat. «We want to do things right and make sure that everything we do with our franchises, whether it’s The Elder Scrolls, Fallout and now Starfield… well, we want them to be meaningful moments for everyone who loves these franchises as much as we love them ».\r\nIn the same interview, Howard also confirmed that he is aiming for long-term support for Starfield, and that he would even like to support Skyrim (released in 2011) longer than Bethesda has done.\r\nWe’ll see so what will be the gaming future of Fallout: the last single player episode, Fallout 4, arrived in 2015 and the time seems ripe to give it an heir — but, as we were saying, if not even Skyrim hasn’t had one yet, it’s because Bethesda wants doing things in one’s own time.\r\nAnd in the end, in an industry that rushes to chase trends to monetize them, that’s probably fine.

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