A new trailer for Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR

Square Enix has released a new trailer for Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR, virtual reality based on the feature RPG free to play title for smartphones, PlayStation 4 and PS Vita. Themovie, which you can see from the player below, shows some of the characters inside the prodotto.Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR

Happy Easter by the editors of Gameshift

E 'came the first of the spring breaks, the sun shines all over Italy, the climate is perfect for lounging outdoors, food in large quantities careful dangerouslyOur physical, always accompanied by good wine rivers. In this pastoral setting, we the editors of Gameshift we make you the warmest wishes for

Dark Rose Valkyrie has a Western date

Idea Factory International announced that their RPG Dark Rose Valkyrie lunce will the 6 June this year in North America, and 9 of the same month in Europe. The game iscreated by some of the talents that have given birth to the Tales of series, which is also under FujishimaPoco

Update 2.06 of Drawn to Death

With a video posted on their official channel, the guys The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency have signalled that 2.06 upgrade is now available fortheir Drawn to Death. The game, which we reviewed on our pages a few days ago, falls within the Instant Game Collection for PlayStation Plus subscribers


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